Friday, April 20, 2007

Don't ya just love beetlejuice...micheal keaton if im not mistaken..and winona ryder...luv the movie...

it seems that disasters and tragedies will never seize to end...tsunami...hurricanes...earthquake...and now...just a few days ago a brutal tragedy has befallen the folks in Virginia...the massacre of over 3o students in Virginia Tech University...wats worst is that the killer was Asian! my god! how sick and psycho can u be to kill ur own fellow students just coz u dun fit in well in that school. it really gives me the creeps thinking about how the killer plan out his execution...locking the doors...trapping students inside the building...entered the classroom, pulled the trigger and fired aimlessly at the students...heesh! it's like hollywood movie comes to live. freaking gruesome!

though i know not a single soul there but i offer my deepest condolences to all of the students in Virginia Tech University who are deeply affected by this nasty massacre.

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